파이썬용어 질문

조회수 614회

Conditions The Boolean expressions you’ve seen so far could all be considered conditions, which are the same thing as expressions; condition is just a more specific name in the context of flow control statements. Conditions always evaluate down to a Boolean value, True or False. A flow control statement decides what to do based on whether its condition is True or False, and almost every flow control statement uses a condition. Blocks of Code Lines of Python code can be grouped together in blocks. You can tell when a block begins and ends from the indentation of the lines of code. There are three rules for blocks. Blocks begin when the indentation increases. Blocks can contain other blocks. Blocks end when the indentation decreases to zero or to a containing block’s indentation. Blocks are easier to understand by looking at some indented code, so let’s find the blocks in part of a small game program, shown here:

제가 파이썬을 이번에 공부하고 있는데 위에 책중에 conditions랑 blocks of code가 한국어로 무슨뜻인줄 모르겠는데 도와주세요. 저 두개가 컴퓨터용어로 무슨 뜻인가요? 그리고 block of codes에서 조건 3가지가 이해가 잘 안되는데 설명좀 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 책 출처:파이썬

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