장고에서 startproject를 하면 프로젝트 생성 대신에 django-admin.py가 뜹니다.

조회수 881회

윈도우 환경에서

django-admin.py startproject (프로젝트명) .

을 작성했는데 프로젝트 생성 대신에 콘솔에선 알 수 없는 에러(?) 코드가 작성되고 django-admin.py를 보여줬습니다.

콘솔창 내용

(node:8008) Electron: Loading non context-aware native modules in the renderer p rocess is deprecated and will stop working at some point in the future, please s ee https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/18397 for more information (node:8008) Electron: Loading non context-aware native modules in the renderer p rocess is deprecated and will stop working at some point in the future, please s ee https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/18397 for more information (node:8008) Electron: Loading non context-aware native modules in the renderer p rocess is deprecated and will stop working at some point in the future, please s ee https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/18397 for more information (node:8008) Electron: Loading non context-aware native modules in the renderer p rocess is deprecated and will stop working at some point in the future, please s ee https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/18397 for more information (node:8792) Electron: Loading non context-aware native modules in the renderer p rocess is deprecated and will stop working at some point in the future, please s ee https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/18397 for more information (node:8792) Electron: Loading non context-aware native modules in the renderer p rocess is deprecated and will stop working at some point in the future, please s ee https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/18397 for more information [main 2020-08-21T15:35:37.251Z] update#setState checking for updates [main 2020-08-21T15:35:37.942Z] update#setState idle

이게 그 django-admin.py의 내용입니다.

# When the django-admin.py deprecation ends, remove this script.
import warnings

from django.core import management

    from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango40Warning
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        'django-admin.py was deprecated in Django 3.1 and removed in Django '
        '4.0. Please manually remove this script from your virtual environment '
        'and use django-admin instead.'

if __name__ == "__main__":
        'django-admin.py is deprecated in favor of django-admin.',

가상환경의 저 4.0을 지우라는데 저게 뭔지 그리고 이 처음부터 틀릴게 뭐가 있는지 모르겠습니다. 도와주세요ㅠ

  • deprecate 란 “폐기됨, 버림, 이제이거쓰면안되니까쓰지말것” 을 뜻합니다. 최신 공식문서로 다시 시작해 보세요. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/ref/contrib/admin/ 엽토군 2020.8.22 06:15
  • 와우 전에 장고2 버전으로 할 땐 django-admin.py startproject를 썼는데 3으로 넘어오면서 django-admin만 쓰고 하는 걸로 바뀌었나 보네요. 덕분에 살았습니다 구글에 이력서 넣으세요 bent_shrimp 2020.8.22 21:45
  • 와 안그래도 이것때문에 머리 깨질 지경이었는데 감사합니다 적게 일하고 많이 버세요 Yujin Song 2020.12.11 01:11

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