파이썬 질문 : 게임의 다음 플레이어 선택하기

조회수 443회
  • Human_Human
  • Human
  • Human_computer

3가지 모드가 있는데

  • 그중 선택된게 Human_Human 이거나 Human_Computer라면,
    • 그전판에 점수를 1점이라도 얻었다면 다시 그 사람 차례인데,
    • 틀리면 다음 사람 차례로 넘어가는걸


공부하고 있는데 잘안되네요 모가 문제일까요?

def next_player(current_player: str, latest_occurance: int, gametype: str) -> str:

    """Return the same current_player if and only if the current player's last 
    occurance of the guessed letter is 0. Return the other player otherwise for 
    the gametype HUMAN_HUMAN or HUMAN_COMPUER. If the gametype is HUMAN always 
    return current_player.

    >>> next_player('PLAYER_ONE', 1, HUMAN_HUMAN)
    >>> next_player('PLAYER_TWO', 0, HUMAN_COMPUTER)
    >>> next_player('PLAYER_ONE', 0, HUMAN)

    if gametype == HUMAN_HUMAN:
        if latest_occurance >= 1:
            return current_player
            if current_player == PLAYER_ONE:
                return "PLAYER_TWO"
            elif current_player == PLAYER_TWO:
                return "PLAYER_ONE"

    elif gametype ==  HUMAN_COMPUTER:
        if latest_occurance >= 1:
            return current_player
            if current_player == PLAYER_ONE:
                return "PLAYER_TWO"
            elif current_player == PLAYER_TWO:
                return "PLAYER_ONE"        

        return "PLAYER_ONE"

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