파이썬 질문입니다.

조회수 1233회

class RunSignatures(object): """Run Signatures."""

def __init__(self, results):
    self.results = results
    self.matched = []

    # While developing our version is generally something along the lines
    # of "2.0-dev" whereas StrictVersion() does not handle "-dev", so we
    # strip that part off.
    self.version = CUCKOO_VERSION.split("-")[0]

    # Gather all enabled, up-to-date, and applicable signatures.
    self.signatures = []
    for signature in list_plugins(group="signatures"):
        if self._should_enable_signature(signature):

    # Signatures to call per API name.
    self.api_sigs = {}

def _should_enable_signature(self, signature):
    """Should the given signature be enabled for this analysis?"""
    if not signature.enabled:
        return False

    if not self.check_signature_version(signature):
        return False

    # Network and/or cross-platform signatures.
    if not signature.platform:
        return True

    task_platform = self.results.get("info", {}).get("platform")

    # Windows is implied when a platform has not been specified during the
    # submission of a sample, but for other platforms the platform has to
    # be explicitly stated.
    if not task_platform and signature.platform == "windows":
        return True

    return task_platform == signature.platform

def check_signature_version(self, signature):
    """Check signature version.
    @param current: signature class/instance to check.
    @return: check result.
    # Check the minimum Cuckoo version for this signature, if provided.
    if signature.minimum:
            # If the running Cuckoo is older than the required minimum
            # version, skip this signature.
            if StrictVersion(self.version) < StrictVersion(signature.minimum):
                log.debug("You are running an older incompatible version "
                          "of Cuckoo, the signature \"%s\" requires "
                          "minimum version %s.",
                          signature.name, signature.minimum)
                return False
            if StrictVersion("1.2") > StrictVersion(signature.minimum):
                log.warn("Cuckoo signature style has been redesigned in "
                         "cuckoo 1.2. This signature is not "
                         "compatible: %s.", signature.name)
                return False

            if StrictVersion("2.0") > StrictVersion(signature.minimum):
                log.warn("Cuckoo version 2.0 features a lot of changes that "
                         "render old signatures ineffective as they are not "
                         "backwards-compatible. Please upgrade this "
                         "signature: %s.", signature.name)
                return False

            if hasattr(signature, "run"):
                log.warn("This signatures features one or more deprecated "
                         "functions which indicates that it is very likely "
                         "an old-style signature. Please upgrade this "
                         "signature: %s.", signature.name)
                return False

        except ValueError:
            log.debug("Wrong minor version number in signature %s",
            return False

    # Check the maximum version of Cuckoo for this signature, if provided.
    if signature.maximum:
            # If the running Cuckoo is newer than the required maximum
            # version, skip this signature.
            if StrictVersion(self.version) > StrictVersion(signature.maximum):
                log.debug("You are running a newer incompatible version "
                          "of Cuckoo, the signature \"%s\" requires "
                          "maximum version %s.",
                          signature.name, signature.maximum)
                return False
        except ValueError:
            log.debug("Wrong major version number in signature %s",
            return False

    return True

def call_signature(self, signature, handler, *args, **kwargs):
    """Wrapper to call into 3rd party signatures. This wrapper yields the
    event to the signature and handles matched signatures recursively."""
        if handler(*args, **kwargs):
            signature.matched = True
            for sig in self.signatures:
                self.call_signature(sig, sig.on_signature, signature)
    except NotImplementedError:
        return False
        log.exception("Failed to run '%s' of the %s signature",
                      handler.__name__, signature.name)
    return True

def init_api_sigs(self, apiname, category):
    """Initialize a list of signatures for which we should trigger its
    on_call method for this particular API name and category."""
    self.api_sigs[apiname] = []

    for sig in self.signatures:
        if sig.filter_apinames and apiname not in sig.filter_apinames:

        if sig.filter_categories and category not in sig.filter_categories:


def yield_calls(self, proc):
    """Yield calls of interest to each interested signature."""
    for idx, call in enumerate(proc.get("calls", [])):

        # Initialize a list of signatures to call for this API call.
        if call["api"] not in self.api_sigs:
            self.init_api_sigs(call["api"], call.get("category"))

        # See the following SO answer on why we're using reversed() here.
        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/10665800
        for sig in reversed(self.api_sigs[call["api"]]):
            sig.cid, sig.call = idx, call
            if self.call_signature(sig, sig.on_call, call, proc) is False:

def run(self):
    """Run signatures."""
    # Allow signatures to initialize themselves.
    for signature in self.signatures:

    log.debug("Running %d signatures", len(self.signatures))

    # Iterate calls and tell interested signatures about them.
    for proc in self.results.get("behavior", {}).get("processes", []):

        # Yield the new process event.
        for sig in self.signatures:
            sig.pid = proc["pid"]
            self.call_signature(sig, sig.on_process, proc)


    # Yield completion events to each signature.
    for sig in self.signatures:
        self.call_signature(sig, sig.on_complete)

    score = 0
    for signature in self.signatures:
        if signature.matched:
            log.debug("Analysis matched signature: %s", signature.name)
            score += signature.severity

    # Sort the matched signatures by their severity level and put them
    # into the results dictionary.
    self.matched.sort(key=lambda key: key["severity"])
    self.results["signatures"] = self.matched
    if "info" in self.results:
        self.results["info"]["score"] = score / 5.0

이 코드에서 yield_calls, init_api_sigs, call_signature 이 부분들이 이해가 안되는데 설명해주실분 계신가여??

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