justwatch 웹사이트를 파싱하려고 합니다.

조회수 1063회

안녕하세요 파이썬 selenium 으로 웹페이지를 읽어서 변동사항 알림을 받으려고 합니다.

해당 웹페이지는 justwatch.com이고,

실제 크롬에서 html 소스보기로 살펴보면

<body ng-class="{promotion: isPromotionActive && !bannerState.isHidden}">

    <img src="https://apis.justwatch.com/checkip/warmup" alt="" style="display: block; width: 0; height: 0;">

    <!-- loading spinner -->
    <div class="jw__spinner" ng-hide="true">

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                    -5120z m2493 3285 c70 -18 69 -18 689 -333 318 -162 505 -263 518 -279 26 -34
                    25 -65 -2 -90 -38 -34 -1460 -765 -1499 -770 -28 -4 -41 -1 -58 16 -21 21 -21
                    24 -21 609 0 647 0 647 62 745 66 104 171 138 311 102z m1626 -804 c326 -165
                    1186 -613 1212 -632 33 -23 59 -67 59 -99 0 -58 -72 -99 -1066 -606 -305 -155
                    -347 -174 -391 -174 -58 0 -88 18 -102 63 -7 22 -9 258 -7 738 5 829 -2 776
                    110 778 41 1 69 -10 185 -68z m1587 -805 c22 -8 327 -163 679 -345 674 -348
                    715 -373 715 -436 0 -59 -52 -93 -540 -345 -895 -463 -905 -467 -971 -440 -60
                    25 -59 10 -59 786 0 617 2 710 16 739 25 54 84 69 160 41z m-3341 -73 c263
                    -131 1187 -611 1233 -640 66 -42 91 -87 72 -133 -7 -17 -27 -42 -44 -54 -33
                    -25 -832 -440 -1164 -605 -161 -80 -213 -101 -246 -101 -51 0 -81 20 -95 63
                    -7 22 -10 258 -7 745 4 788 1 752 69 770 47 14 82 5 182 -45z m5120 -874 c586
                    -299 987 -507 1021 -530 62 -42 132 -125 140 -165 16 -88 -17 -156 -110 -223
                    -26 -18 -297 -162 -604 -318 -611 -313 -629 -320 -671 -268 l-21 28 2 749 3
                    750 29 25 c39 33 61 28 211 -48z m-3440 21 c33 -15 330 -167 660 -338 639
                    -330 685 -358 685 -420 0 -72 -39 -94 -1076 -623 -302 -154 -336 -169 -383
                    -169 -43 0 -56 5 -75 25 -13 14 -26 38 -29 53 -3 15 -3 344 -1 731 5 776 3
                    752 67 769 43 12 80 5 152 -28z m-1645 -895 c271 -136 1193 -616 1222 -636 17
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                    -3 736 3 694 3 702 24 730 44 58 95 52 264 -32z m3961 -309 c359 -186 666
                    -347 682 -358 31 -22 57 -67 57 -98 0 -50 -59 -87 -490 -311 -757 -392 -921
                    -472 -973 -473 -38 -1 -52 4 -74 27 l-28 27 -3 708 c-2 389 0 722 3 741 4 18
                    18 44 31 58 23 22 32 25 83 21 52 -4 115 -34 712 -342z m-1710 -860 c359 -186
                    668 -349 685 -361 37 -28 59 -75 50 -109 -3 -14 -23 -39 -44 -56 -64 -54
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                    -412 229 -7 35 -11 240 -11 616 0 562 0 563 22 591 18 23 27 26 59 22 22 -3
                    317 -149 731 -362z"/>

이렇게 나오지만,

웹페이지 요소 검사로는 정상적인 html 로 볼수있습니다.

<div class="timeline__timeframe timeline--2018-12-16" ng-repeat="day in $ctrl.cinemaReleases.concat($ctrl.getCurrentTitles().items) | orderBy:[ ['cinema-upcoming'].indexOf($ctrl.activeCollectionType) !== -1 ? 'date' : '-date' ]" ng-if="(
                                ['cinema-upcoming'].indexOf($ctrl.activeCollectionType) !== -1) || 
                                (day.date >= $ctrl.currentDate &amp;&amp; day.titlelist_name &amp;&amp; !$ctrl.timelineHideCinemaProps.hideTimelineCinema) || 
                                (day.date >= $ctrl.currentDate &amp;&amp; !(day.titlelist_name)
                            )" ng-init="($index + 1) === $ctrl.getCurrentTitles().items.length &amp;&amp; $ctrl.hasRendered()">

                            <!-- HEADING -->
                            <timeline-header active-collection-type="::$ctrl.activeCollectionType" day="day">


            <!-- NO TITLE LIST NAME -->
            <!----><span ng-if="::!$ctrl.day.titlelist_name">
                <!----><span class="timeline__timeframe__head" ng-if="::($ctrl.day.date == $ctrl.today)" translate="WEBAPP_TODAY" translate-default="Today">오늘</span><!---->

                            <!--Sticky Specials-->
                            <!-- @todo check if $index == 0 is better than $ctrl.today -->
                            <!----><div ng-if="(day.date === $ctrl.today &amp;&amp; !day.titlelist_name) &amp;&amp; $ctrl.stateParams.timeline_type !== 'pricedrops'">

                            <!--Regular Specials-->

                            <!----><!----><div style="width: 100%;" class="timeline__provider-block timeline--2018-12-16--8" ng-repeat="provider in ::day.providers track by (provider.provider_id + '-' + provider.total)" ng-if="!isHidden(provider.id) || inBigBrotherMode === false">

                                <div class="timeline__provider-block__logo">

                                    <!----><!----><img ng-repeat="icon in ::$ctrl.filters.providers | filter:{id: provider.provider_id}:true" class="price-comparison__grid__row__icon" alt="Netflix" ng-src="https://images.justwatch.com/icon/430997/s25" ng-if="::(!isCloaked(provider.provider_id)&nbsp;|| inBigBrotherMode === false &amp;&amp; !day.titlelist_name)" src="https://images.justwatch.com/icon/430997/s25"><!----><!---->

                                    <!-- only show this if provider.short_name is cloaked -->


                                <div class="timeline__provider-block__head">
                                    <span translate="WEBAPP_TITLE" translate-default="titles">개 영상</span>

                                <horizontal-titles-row titles="provider.items" track-action-name="new.2018-12-16.8" infinite-scroll="$ctrl.addMoreItemsHorizontal(day.date, provider.provider_id)" infinite-scroll-disabled="provider.items.length == provider.total" infinite-scroll-distance="0.4">
        <horizontal-scrollable scrollable-id="::$ctrl.trackActionName" horizontal-scrollable-style="basic-gradient always-right-visible">
        <div class="horizontal-scroll timeline__provider-block__titles__wrapper basic-gradient always-right-visible" ng-class="{
                'timeline__provider-block__titles__wrapper--nav-left': $ctrl.scrollers.left,
                'timeline__provider-block__titles__wrapper--nav-right': $ctrl.scrollers.right




            <div class="horizontal-scrollable-container timeline__provider-block__titles" style="padding-right: 15px; margin-top: -17px; bottom: -17px;" ng-class="{'horizontal-scrollable-container--has-more': !$ctrl.infiniteScrollDisabled}" horizontal-infinite-scroll="$ctrl.infiniteScroll()" horizontal-infinite-scroll-disabled="$ctrl.infiniteScrollDisabled" horizontal-infinite-scroll-distance="::$ctrl.infiniteScrollDistance">

                <!----><div class="main-content__poster" style="position: relative !important;" ng-repeat="title in $ctrl.titles" snowplow-data-contextable="" contextable-type="title" contextable-data="::title">

                    <title-card target-title="::title" responsive-image="::true" upon-click="$ctrl.uponClickCard({title: title})">
        <!-- poster -->
        <div snowplow-data-contextable="" contextable-type="title" contextable-data="::$ctrl.targetTitle" class="pos-relative">

            <watchlist-ribbon target-title="::$ctrl.targetTitle">
        <div class="bookmark" ng-click="$ctrl.toggle($ctrl.contentType, $ctrl.contentId)">


        <track-title-control object-type="::$ctrl.targetTitle.object_type" object-id="::$ctrl.targetTitle.id" target-title="::$ctrl.targetTitle" excludes="::$ctrl.excludes" layout="card">
    <!----><div class="track-title-control track-title-control--hidden" ng-if="::($ctrl.layout === 'card')" ng-class="{
            'track-title-control--seen': $ctrl.props.inLocalSeenlist,
            'track-title-control--tracked': $ctrl.props.inLocalWatchlist,
            'track-title-control--hidden': $ctrl.getActiveVariant('SEENLIST_1') <= 0

        <div ng-transclude="">

            <div ng-class="::{'main-content__poster__image': $ctrl.responsiveImage}" style="position: relative;" class="main-content__poster__image">
                <a ng-href="/kr/TV-프로그램/sky-kaeseul/시즌-1" ng-click="$ctrl.uponClick(title)" href="/kr/TV-프로그램/sky-kaeseul/시즌-1">

                    </a><div class="main-content__poster__image__container" style="position: relative;"><a ng-href="/kr/TV-프로그램/sky-kaeseul/시즌-1" ng-click="$ctrl.uponClick(title)" href="/kr/TV-프로그램/sky-kaeseul/시즌-1">

                        <tv-show-badge target-title="::$ctrl.targetTitle">
    <div class="tv-show-badge">
        <div class="tv-show-badge__box">

            <!----><div ng-if="::($ctrl.collectionType &amp;&amp; $ctrl.targetTitle.object_type == 'show_season' &amp;&amp; $ctrl.newElementCount >= 1)" class="tv-show-badge__box__new">
                <!----><span ng-if="::$ctrl.newElementCount == 1" translate="WEBAPP_NEW_EPISODE" translate-default="New episode">새 에피소드</span><!---->

            <!----><div ng-if="::(['show', 'show_season'].indexOf($ctrl.targetTitle.object_type) !== -1)" class="tv-show-badge__box__season">
                <!----><div ng-if="::($ctrl.collectionType &amp;&amp; $ctrl.targetTitle.object_type == 'show_season')">
                    <span translate="WEBAPP_SEASON" translate-default="season">시즌</span> 1

                        <img src="" style="width: 100%; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 42%;">
                        <!----><img class="img-responsive poster notransition" style="width: 100%; height: auto; position: absolute; top: 0px; opacity: 1;" alt="Season 1" ng-if="::$ctrl.targetTitle.poster" ng-src="https://images.justwatch.com/poster/97661109/s166/시즌-1" fader-on-load="" src="https://images.justwatch.com/poster/97661109/s166/시즌-1"><!---->

                        <!-- pricedrops -->


                    <!-- showtimes -->



        <!----><div class="track-title-control__container" ng-if="::$ctrl.excludes.indexOf('track-title-control') === -1">
            <div class="row track-title-control__container__row">
                <div style="display: flex; width: 100%; background-color: rgba(38, 48, 59, 0.4);">
                    <div class="track-title-control__container__row--track" ng-click="$ctrl.toggleWatched()">
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-bookmark"></span>
                        <!----><span style="opacity: 0.8; font-size: 12px;" ng-if="::($ctrl.objectType !== 'movie')" translate="WEBAPP_SEENLIST_TRACK_SHOW" translate-default="Track show">Track show</span><!---->
        <div class="clear-fix"></div>


        <!-- TODO extend with pricedrops for new.tpl.html -->






                                <!----><new-timeline-ad-block style="width: 100%; display: block;" ng-if="['cinema-upcoming'].indexOf($ctrl.activeCollectionType) === -1" index="$parent.$parent.$parent.$index * 100 + $index" first-ad-at="0" every-x-buckets="4" caps-at="3">
        <!----><jw-ad-block ng-if="::$ctrl.hasAdBlock &amp;&amp; ['us', 'ca', 'au', 'xxx'].indexOf($ctrl.webLocale) === -1" position="timeline_inbetween" sizes="::['728x90', '300x250']" container-style="margin-top: 12px;">
        <!----><div ng-if="$ctrl.isShown &amp;&amp; !$ctrl.isExcludedFromAds" class="jw-ad-block row" style="margin-top: 12px;;">

            <div class="jw-ad-block__container" style="width: 728px; height: 90px;">
                <!----><div data-ng-show="adFitInViewport" class="ads" ng-if="$ctrl.isLoaded &amp;&amp; $ctrl.adProvider === 'adsense'" ad-client="ca-pub-3179068936475881" ad-slot="2516381812" inline-style="display: inline-block; width: 728px; height: 90px;"><ins data-ng-class="{'adsbygoogle': adFitInViewport}" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3179068936475881" data-ad-slot="2516381812" ng-attr-data-ad-format="{{adFormat || undefined}}" style="display: inline-block; width: 728px; height: 90px;" "="" class="adsbygoogle"></ins></div><!---->
            <div class="jw-ad-block__container__remove">
                <a href="" ng-click="$ctrl.openLoginModal()">
                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> <span translate="WEBAPP_LOGINS_REMOVE" translate-default="Remove this ad">Remove this ad</span>



혹시 selenium으로 아랫쪽 소스를 볼수 있을까요?

가능성이 없다면, 최소한 불가능하다는 사실만이라도 알고싶습니다.

뭐라고 검색해야할지 감도 못잡겠어서.. 염치불구하고 질문글 남깁니다.

  • (•́ ✖ •̀)
    알 수 없는 사용자

1 답변

  • 질문이라는 것이 가능여부인가요?

    당연히 가능합니다.

    selenium 이라면 직접 브라우져를 핸들링하는 것입니다.

    import io
    from selenium iimport webdriver
    driver = webdriver....
    with io.open('/home/allinux/test.html', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    • 네 selenium 으로 시도해서 나온 결과물이 실제 화면에 나오는 내용과 차이가 있어서 질문글을 올렸습니다 ^^;; 알 수 없는 사용자 2018.12.17 15:59
    • 실제 웹 브라우저에서 표시되는 내용은 아래 코드이고, 우클릭-소스보기로 볼수있는 내용은 위의 코드입니다. selenium으로 get 해오면 위의 코드가 나오지만 실제로 필요한 정보는 아래 코드라.. 아래 코드를 보고싶은데 쉽지가 않네요ㅜ 알 수 없는 사용자 2018.12.17 16:01

답변을 하려면 로그인이 필요합니다.

프로그래머스 커뮤니티는 개발자들을 위한 Q&A 서비스입니다. 로그인해야 답변을 작성하실 수 있습니다.
