C언어 주사위 게임을 짜봤는데 실행이 안되네요ㅠㅠ 수정할 부분을 부탁드립니다.

조회수 895회

List item

게임 규칙

  1. 면이 12개인 주사위를 두 개를 굴린다.

  2. 플레이어는 잔액 100개의 코인으로 시작한다.

  3. 세 번째 주사위가 두 개의 주사위 수의 사이에 들어가면 배팅한 만큼 코인을 얻고 배팅한 만큼 잔액이 올라간다.

  4. 세 번째 주사위가 두 개의 주사위의 수를 벗어나면 배팅한 만큼 코인을 잃고 배팅한 만큼 잔액을 잃는다.

  5. 플레이어의 잔액이 0이 되면 게임은 종료된다.

  6. 두 개의 주사위가 같은 숫자(예 첫 번째 주사위: 1, 두 번째 주사위: 1) 다시 할건지를 선택할 수 있고, 만약 선택하지 않으면 게임은 종료된다.

제가 한번 짜봤는데 안되더라구요 잘못된 부분있으면 알려주세요ㅠㅠ

define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS //removing deprecation warning

define MAX_CHIPS 100 // Chips capped at 100 default




void display_details(void);

void display_dice(int, int, int);

int roll_die(void);

int main(void) {

//variables that are used

int die1, die2, die3;
int  temp;

srand((int)time(NULL));//현재 시간을 이용해서 씨드 결정
die1 = rand() % 12; //12로 나눠 0~11까지 나머지 발생
die2 = rand() % 12; //12로 나눠 0~11까지 나머지 발생

die1 = die1 + 1; //1~12
die2 = die2 + 1; //1~12

printf("die1 : %d\n\n", die1);
printf("die2 : %d\n\n", die2);

int Games_Played = 0; //how many games played
int Games_Won = 0;  //how many games won
int Games_Lost = 0;  //how many games lost

int CurrentChips = MAX_CHIPS; //linking it to the acutal system input
int BetChips;

char PlayerName[100];   //player will enter their name.
char PlayAgain; //to play again

display_details(); //displays details

//this function uses real time as a random generator, every second will be a different outcome
//c4244 error anyother solution to fix this is 'srand( static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));'

//asked if want to play game
printf("\nWould you like to play Test your luck [y|n]? ");
//player chooses yes or no to play or not                 
scanf(" %c", &PlayAgain);

//This loop allows the game to be carry on as long as there are chips left and able to play more games
while ((PlayAgain == 'y') && (CurrentChips > 0))
    //shows how many games played which is obviously 0
    if (Games_Played == 0)
        printf("\n A new chellenger! What is your name? ");
        scanf(" %s", &PlayerName);            //link to playername
        printf("\nHi %s!\n", PlayerName);     //Greting the player

    //each new game it will increase by 1
    Games_Played = Games_Played + 1;

    //displaying current chips
    printf("\nNumber of chips: %d\n", CurrentChips);
    printf("\nPlace your bet: "); //betting
    scanf("%d", &BetChips); //how much the player want to bet
    //for validation as people might be like bet<0 or bet>100
    while ((BetChips < 0) || (BetChips > CurrentChips))  //using loop until valid
        printf("\n uuh ....You can only bet the chips you have.. (0-%d)!\n", CurrentChips);
        printf("\nPlace your bet: ");
        scanf("%d", &BetChips);

    if (die1 == die2)
        printf("Even-steven - let's play again!\n\n");
        printf("Not the same, let's play!\n\n");

    if ((die1 > die3) && (die2 > die3))
        //+1 to games won
        Games_Won = Games_Won + 1;
        //adding to bet balance
        CurrentChips = CurrentChips + BetChips;
        printf("\nXXXXX  Winner! d(^_^)  XXXXX\n");
    else if ((die1 < die3) && (die2 < die3))
        //+1 to games won
        Games_Won = Games_Won + 1;
        //adding to bet balance
        CurrentChips = CurrentChips + BetChips;
        printf("\nXXXXX  Winner! d(^_^)  XXXXX\n");
    else if ((die1 <= die3) && (die2 <= die3))
        //+1 to lose games
        Games_Lost = Games_Lost + 1;
        //-bet from balance
        CurrentChips = CurrentChips - BetChips;
        printf("\nXXXXX  Loser! :( XXXXX\n");


        //+1 to lose games
        Games_Lost = Games_Lost + 1;
        //-bet from balance
        CurrentChips = CurrentChips - BetChips;
        printf("\nXXXXX  Loser! :( XXXXX\n");

        while (CurrentChips == 0)

            if (throw_sum == PointToMake)
                printf("\nXXXXX  Winner! (x2 the bet) XXXXX\n");
                //x2 added to balance
                CurrentChips = CurrentChips + 2 * BetChips;
                Games_Won = Games_Won + 1;
                //+1 in lost
                Games_Lost = Games_Lost + 1;
                //-chips that are were betted
                CurrentChips = CurrentChips - BetChips;
                printf("\nXXXXX  Loser!:(  XXXXX\n");

    printf("Thanks for playing! ");

    //chips count is checked after the end of game

    //if there are chips remainding

    if (CurrentChips > 0)


        printf("You now have %d chips.\n", CurrentChips);


        printf("Play Again %s [y|n]? ", PlayerName);   //starting a new game again?

        scanf(" %c", &PlayAgain);   //for the user input y/n response



    else   //when no chips are left


        printf("\n you're out of chips.\n\n");

        printf("\nXXXXX  GG TRY AGAIN NEXT TIME  XXXXX\n");


//display now many games are played

if (Games_Played == 0)


printf("\nOh well.... better luck next time!\n");


//only 1 game

else if (Games_Played == 1)

{ printf("\n%s played %d game and is cashing out with %d chips!\n", PlayerName, Games_Played, CurrentChips);

printf("   |---> Games won: %d\n", Games_Won);

printf("   |---> Games lost: %d\n", Games_Lost);

printf("\nThanks for playing, come again to test that luck of yours %s.\n", PlayerName);


//played games are more than 1



//display game results

printf("\n%s played %d games and is cashing out with %d chips!\n", PlayerName, 

Games_Played, CurrentChips);

printf("   |---> Games won: %d\n", Games_Won);

printf("   |---> Games lost: %d\n", Games_Lost);

printf("\nThanks for playing, come again to test that luck of yours %s!\n", PlayerName);


return 0;


void display_details(void)


printf("File :.... assignment.c\n");

printf("Author   :.... \n");

printf("Stud ID  :.... \n");

printf("Email ID :.... \n");

printf("This is my own work as defined by the \n");

printf("University's Academic Misconduct Policy.\n");


int throws_die(void)


return 1 + rand() % 12;


  • (•́ ✖ •̀)
    알 수 없는 사용자
  • 코드 올리실 때 마크다운 문법을 사용해서 코드를 삽입해주세요. 알 수 없는 사용자 2019.1.13 16:36

1 답변

  • 아직 구현이 다 안된 부분도 있고, 실행을 해보지 못해서 모든 이슈를 다 지적해드리지는 못하고 눈에 띄는 부분만 적어봤습니다.

    1. scanf(" %s", &PlayerName);

    %s에 대응되는 PlayerNamechar PlayerName[100]; 으로 선언되었기 때문에 &를 생략해야 합니다. 배열의 이름, 즉 PlayerName&PlayerName[0] 과 같기 때문입니다.

    2. 정의되지 않은 변수

    아래 코드에서 throw_sum 과 PointToMake이 정의되지 않았습니다. 그리고 아래와 같이 while을 쓰는 경우에는 { } 블럭을 지정해주세요.

    while (CurrentChips == 0)
        if (throw_sum == PointToMake)
            printf("\nXXXXX  Winner! (x2 the bet) XXXXX\n");
            //x2 added to balance
            CurrentChips = CurrentChips + 2 * BetChips;
            Games_Won = Games_Won + 1;
            //+1 in lost
            Games_Lost = Games_Lost + 1;
            //-chips that are were betted
            CurrentChips = CurrentChips - BetChips;
            printf("\nXXXXX  Loser!:(  XXXXX\n");

    3. 초기화되지 않은 변수 사용

    die3 변수는 초기화되지 않은 채로 사용됐습니다. 모든 변수는 선언시 초기화 해주는 습관을 들이시기 바랍니다.

    • (•́ ✖ •̀)
      알 수 없는 사용자

답변을 하려면 로그인이 필요합니다.

프로그래머스 커뮤니티는 개발자들을 위한 Q&A 서비스입니다. 로그인해야 답변을 작성하실 수 있습니다.
