c++ 문제 질문합니다 ㅠㅠ

조회수 537회

**Write a pair of print function templates

  1. The first 'print' function template has a C++ templated L-value reference parameter. It prints using cout (or wcout) the parameter value and the phrase "L-Value".

  2. The second 'print' function template has a C++11 templated R-value parameter. It prints using cout (or wcout) the parameter value and the phrase "R-Value".

**Write down the output from running the following code with your pair of function templates.

char broiled = 'X'; 
bool makes = true; 
double trouble = 665.;
print(broiled + 2); 
print(makes + trouble); 
print(2 + 10.6); 
print(L“C++11 is a better C++”);  // may require std::wcout in place of std::cout

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1 답변

  • TemplateFunction Overloading, R-Value Reference(&&) 개념을 묻는 문제입니다.

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